Design A "Multi-Stream" Coaching or Membership Machine

Discover Your Perfect Business Blueprint and Dream 'Offer Map' that you can use to overcome Launch ‘Feast and Famine’… In Order to Build Consistent and Passive Income, and Grow Your Brand on Autopilot

What if you knew exactly how to launch a new revenue stream (or multiple revenue streams) as a coach or consultant?

Remember the moment you decided to become a coach - and how excited you were?  You probably felt ‘called’ to help people… To change their lives… To create an impact…  

To build a future for your family, and to help others to do the same! (Which is amazing!)

And then the REAL WORK began…And somewhere along the way, you discovered that, 

Trying to grow your coaching business on your own can be overwhelming.

If you’re feeling like this, then you’re probably facing 1 of 2 MAIN problems that most coaches face as they try to grow their business…

You're Either #1 or #2...

#1 -  You’re not sure where to START.  You know the kind of coaching business you want to have. You see the End goal clearly. And you know you can get results for your clients. (You probably have already). But you have big big goals, and it can feel really overwhelming to stare up from the base of the mountain.  

#2 -  You have a  “feast or famine” business.  Maybe your coaching business is already up and running, and you’re getting some clients, but it’s not as consistent as you’d like.  One month, you’re excited because you enrolled a handful of new clients, and then next, nothing…  Not only do you need income that’s reliable…but you want to steadily GROW your business.

I can help with both of those.

(And I know you're ready for more.)

I've been where you are...

>> Wanting to work when you want, how you want... doing what you want - that's why you started after all.

>> Wanting more for your life and finding significance in what you're building - wanting to impact more people than only those that can (and are willing) to pay your 1 on 1 fees.

>> Burning out on trying to keep up with the ever changing social media landscape, wanting to win over the almighty algorithms but secretly wondering if it's worth the effort.

>> Wanting to grow your team so that you can do what you really love - acting as the artist and the true visionary of your company.

>> Desiring to make an income above and beyond your wildest lifestyle dreams and needs, so that you can invest the overflow of cash into real wealth building activities like buying real estate and more.

The Experience

2 Private 90-Minute Strategy Sessions with Allie, held on Zoom with lifetime access to the recording.

2 Follow Up Private 60-Minute Strategy Sessions with Allie, held on Zoom with lifetime access to the recording.

30 Days Unlimited Access to Allie on Voxer to ask questions, get feedback & have daily support (Mon-Fri) following your VIP Day.

Bonus: Customized Training Vault created just for you! Reach your specific goals with hand-picked trainings and courses; whether that be discovery calls, advanced closing or access to Allie's email-based launch method for a rinse and repeat evergreen sales machine.



"I Will Tell Everyone Who Will Listen About Allie."

Her strategies will change the way you see your business.

Allie helped me to build the foundation for what is now a multi-million dollar business. Through working with Allie, she helped me learn how to grow my email list with paid buyers and how to get them into my Facebook group. One of the first launches with her strategy sold my $3,000 program and I made $60K IN CASH and made over $177K from this through payment plans.

And you know what I realized? MOST OF THE BUYERS were originally introduced to me because of my Tiny Offer and my Facebook ads.

I still keep in touch with Allie and I'm grateful that she gave me a real strategy when so many others just share fluff.

"Allie Saved My Business."

On June 1st, we had 450 people in our membership (all time low) and for the first time in our company history missed payroll at the end of June. We were NOT in a good place and I was really worried. We had shifted out strategy in January and it still hadn’t really produced big results. We had several failed launches along the way. In July we had a big launch that was literally life or death for us. I strategized one-on-one with Allie to map out a plan for our offer strategy to fill our membership through a trial. Our team kept focused and pulled together and as of today we now have over 3,000 active paying members in our program.

We went from not being able to make payroll to now having almost $350,000 MRR in the business. It’s truly been mind boggling, but I think it’s a testament to never losing faith, and keeping focused on the long term vision of where we wanted to go. Thank you, Allie!

Bob Heilig,


So if you’re ready to stop wondering if it's possible...

...and just want a PLAN from someone that knows digital products, business models, and funnels inside and out... and can create a roadmap for you that’s easy to follow and works, then you’re in...

...good hands.

Hi, I’m Allie!

I'm an award-winning digital marketer and demand generation strategist with ten years of experience under my belt.

I've generated over $6M in online coaching and course sales of my own products in the last 4 years and I've helped my clients make over $15M+ in their businesses.

I hit those big numbers in my business by finally launching my own ads and funnels (after years of being behind the scenes for big names you'd recognize!).

One of the first questions I ask people when I'm working with them inside of my coaching programs is if they want to start with the big picture or with the nitty gritty details - they almost always want to start BIG to see how it all fits together!

I love to work as an offer strategist to help people rework their business models and launch plans to not only suit their lives, but hit their big money goals, too.

During this VIP experience, we map out your offers (from Signature Offer to lead generating Tiny Offer, High Ticket VIP Offers and more, and then map out exactly how to build, position and sell it.

Recent clients have generated $350K/Mo. in monthly recurring revenue after working with me, sold out their group programs for the first time, and filled their webinars and challenges with my traffic strategies.

"Allie really helped guide me personally to get my Tiny Offer up. I got the Facebook ads going, but the biggest thing about that is that I’ve been able to make money from Facebook ads for the very first time for myself.

Previously I’d only poured money into the Facebook ad money pit and not get anything out. I’ve had TWO people sign up for my Automation Powerhouse Program which is a $7500 program.. So $7500 times 2 from COLD TRAFFIC Facebook ads, so $15000 made from a tiny offer.

This is huge for my business and my life, and I’m so grateful for Allie and this program. It’s opening up again and you need to do it. Like 1000 times over, you need to do it.”

Lindsey Ardmore,

Business Strategist & Automation Expert

Profit Pathway VIP Experience

with Allie Bjerk

What you’ll walk away with:

  • A brand new or revamped offer; positioned, outlined and ready to sell

  • A custom sales map (aka your evergreen sales machine roadmap) - completed by me after the session and sent to you within 14 days

  • Your customized 30-day implementation plan using my signature ‘Lazy Launch Method.’ This is designed to help you sell your offer within just a few short weeks and can be used over and over again to convert warm leads into red hot premium buyers leveraging authentic social selling.

The Investment

$7,500 USD pay in full

or payment plan ($4,000 x 2)

But hurry because there are only a few spaces available each month .

Bonus #1! - Let Allie promo you! Allie will email her list and post across her social media platforms showcasing you and your new offer!

Bonus #2! - 12-months of access to Tiny Offer Society, the top sales coaching membership available! Network, learn, and get back pocket sales coaching by Allie.

Level Up to BFF Status

Come join me in person for a full day together!

We’ll get your offer sorted and then spend the rest of the day hanging out like BFF’s….

What’s Included: Everything above PLUS One night at a beautiful local hotel, a luxury spa treatment, dinner/drinks and the fabulous company of moi!

*All you have to do is get yourself to Minneapolis, Minnesota and I’ll take care of the rest

The VIP Investment

$10,000 USD pay in full

Or payment plan ($5,500 x 2 months)

Bonus #1- Let Allie promo you! Allie will email her list and post across her social media platforms showcasing you and your new offer!

Bonus #2- 90-Day Access to Allie's Mastermind Group Coaching Calls! Yep! You get access to Allie's premiere online sales mentorship program, access to all calls and you get to mingle with all the students (hello leads and biz besties!).

Your Next Steps

1. Choose your VIP Level above, purchase and book your spot in my calendar (hurry, I have limited 1 to 1 time and these sell out super fast!)

2. Complete the pre-work before the session which will be sent to you within 2 working days of booking (this ensures we’re able to make the most out of our time together and I know your business inside and out by the time I get on the call)

3. Show up to the Live 3-hour 1 to 1 strategy session ready to create, reorganize and position your existing or new offers

4. Receive a 30-day implementation plan within 24 hours so you can channel all that new offer energy into sell, sell, selling!

5. Jump into your assigned training for implementation, submit your work for review and start launching using my signature Shhhh!!! Method

6. Get your shiny new sales map and strategy to sell within 14 days so that you can create a stable and consistent evergreen income stream (because this baby takes me some time to put together!)

Still have questions? No problem!

Send me a message on Voxer (@alliebjerk) and I’ll get right back to you.

Talk soon!

Allie Bjerk can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. 

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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